The Politics of Budget Implementation

The Politics of Budget Implementation

Title: The Politics of Budget Implementation

My master’s program is in Public Administration – Non-Profit
Management. The instructions, rubric, textbook readings, presentations, and
other required documents are attached.
Please be sure to read all the documents in their entirety.

Discussion: The Politics of Budget Implementation

After public budgets have been created and
passed, they must be implemented. This implementation phase often creates a
tension between the executive and legislative branches of government and
opportunities for political influence in the final result of a budget. For this
discussion, explain political interests that may seek to alter a budget during
the implementation stage, methods that may be used to alter a public budget or its
effects, and the balance between fidelity and flexibility that may be necessary
to address changing circumstances.


requirements is 400-500 words.

Textbook Readings

Rubin: ch. 7
(“minicases” may be skipped)

Presentation: Politics and Policy of Public Sector
Budgeting (see link below)

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